What if I'm not out or I'm not sure how I feel about my sexuality? Can I still use believr?

Coming out is a very personal process. There's no "right time" to come out. But can believr be a resource for you if you're still in the closet? Absolutely! believr enables you to share or hide every detail of your profile, and believr wants to support every LGBTQ+ Christian, regardless of their journey. With this in mind, if you're still in the closet or you're still figuring your sexuality out, you can still utilize our Community Space and Dashboard feature within the app. These could be really great options for you to chat with other LGBTQ+ Christians and get connected to other resources like podcasts, books, and conferences to help you on your journey. Regarding the values-based matching, to hide your profile from the values-based matching experience in case you're not ready to find a partner, simply don't complete the values-based quiz. This will make it so your profile will not appear to other users.

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